lovely white stuff...
0810 Ix bus arrives, great!
0830 - girls carer texts: is on way tho delayed... great!
0832 - school texts - is closed and driver calls - is bringing him back...
0930 drains man arrives and gets gear on to unblock drain
0945 girls carer arrives - now she will have all 3.
1000 - stand over drains man as he descends into the depths....he reckons it is rubble in the interceptor, plus wet wipes flushed down loo haven't helped...
leave him (back up on dry land) jetting out the drains.
leave kids with carer.
11.00 arrive work
catch up emails etc...
back home 3.30 to allow carer to leave to get back thru the snow...
log back onto work email from home...
text from Ix school: will tell you at 0715 tomorrow what is happening...
girls' school - who knows for tomorrow!
and they say the big freeze will continue into next week.
oh well see what happens tomorrow. no point fretting...plan to get up tomorrow as tho for school and take it from there. luckily kids can spend some time plugged into TV (all)/computer (all)/nintendo (girls) /playing together (girls) so can "work" from home to a degree....
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