neurologist - various different ones, looking for clues, doing MRI etc...
respiratory specialist and allergist (following severe croup episodes from age two to about six or seven)
many different speech, language, physio, occupational therapists
- and above all it was: what is going on? how? why?
appointments were about finding answers...often they didnt.
many were frustrating. gave more quesitons than answers.
some yielded results - eventually - the MRI at age five did show anomalies. but they are not diagnositic in themselves and you cannot directly correlate the thin white matter and thin corpus callosum with his abilities/disabilities.
and finally getting grommets in ears surely helped his hearing. but this could have been done sooner rather than going back every three months and doing nothing...
so ...have boiled it down to paediatrician review once a year.
thought had done with new -ologists.
annual visit to genetics (still awaiting results - but have accepted it is a question of time wiating for science to catch up and come up with the underlying issue)
and regular opthamologist...because we haven't moved onto local optician yet.
but now added a new -ologist - dermatologist.
but like some of the others over time, no answers.
it might get worse before it gets better.
try steroid cream - it might stimulate regrowth.
or it might not.
but somehow having a not-uncommon issue - and one which can affect just about anyone - means it is an "oh well..."
would it be better to just shave it short now?
rather than keep the longish strands covering the patches?
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