Monday, 13 April 2009

"I went to bed at the night"

early in the morning...dragged to lounge, put on CBEEBIES.

turn on Ix's communication device - he always asks for it first thing.

begin usual conversation -

"aunty M has a purple car nissan micra"

"go to school on monday"

"Sunday go visit friends"

"let's go to P's house"

"peter lost his rabbit horrid henry took it"

lots of autistic scripts...some predictive typing, some set stored phrases.

"may I have some crunchy nut cornflakes please"

then i go to make my tea, he sits on floor near tv to watch "mama mirabelles home movies adventures" on CBEEBIES, eating his (dry) cornflakes.

they are talking about nocturnal creatures who sleep in the day; and those creatures who sleep in the night. the owl sleeps in the day. the tiger sleeps at night...

he types...

brings to me:

"I went to bed at the night"

with predictive he has actually typed "I we.. to be.. at th. ni..." but he has chosen the words...

a near perfect sentence, topical, a comment

very proud :)


Anonymous said...

... and rightly so - well done I!!

Esther said...

wow - well done I!!!! definitely a proud mum moment xxx

CarlaBump said...

Well done!!


Tina said...

That's brilliant! Well done I
