weekend. Ix at respite. so things to do....girls should be with their dad for several hours Sat/Sun... tidying, take stuff to charity shop (Ix is growing growing), call laptop helpline to fix it, buy blade to shave off bottom of front door as it sticks and requires large shove to close (DIY before calling landlady). rake leaves if not raining (build in some exercise). read a book. relax....
so Friday - girls being picked up by friend. go home, pick up Ix, drive to respite, go to meet friends and we all go their local Chinese. no need to rush back for Ix's carer...or take along DVD player/entertainment. respite is just that.
message from their dad - but not about arrangements for tomorrow. he is "sorry for everything i have said or done you can forgive and love".
i have had bank statement for the still-joint account in post so the only thing i can think of to say back is that "the bank account is still £2,000 overdrawn..."
so saturday dawns with a well-you-should-be-seeing-your-dad-but-if-he-does-not-get-in-touch-never-mind...
he does not.
we do music class then dash thru rain to Next for coat for G and Borders book shop to spend book tokens from Aunt E given at beginning of term, Starbucks and home.
out to cinema to see Up. film breaks down in middle - tho restarts - but we get free tickets for next time.
home, X factor...good sleep til 10. ah bliss.
rain has stopped. rake leaves. tick.
off to pick up Ix, via Aldenham park; Ix is happy, we go to Shenley Park tea room and walk. nice autumn day again after yesterday's rain. people are overwhelmingly nice today, bringing their dog for him to stroke etc. actually, mostly people ARE nice.
home, cooking, put washing on, X factor results.
forgot about door - no trip out to Robert Dyas, no new blade....hang on, I remember the sooper-dooper cut everything knife - the man in House of Fraser demo: cutting tomatoes, melons, sawing metal.... that is why I bought it...so I lay on floor shaving off bits of door til it shuts smoothly. Ha. job done. tick.
so - wasn't quite as planned but we had nice weekend, doing things together with girls.
still, is frustrating.
it should not be you might be/you might not be seeing him...
ExP has declined to attend facilitated family meeting, on grounds there is "no point" - it will reiterate that "I" am "winning - "your way: no father no family".
stuck...he is their father.
we cannot be together, it is over.
but he can see his kids, show them he is trustworthy, regain confidence....up to him...
L in conversation with friend:
Friend: "
my dad is going to Dubai for 10 weeks and I won't see him!"
L:"well I don't even
live with
my dad"
so, who won that round?